Although the 'official' vote hasn't been taken, I'd say the ICONIC Committee has a VERY good idea of which way the Wednesday morning 'future strategy' poll is going to go. Have the 5 potential chassis designers, DeltaWing, Dallara, Lola, Swift, & BAT, been notified of the likely decision? I don't know. However, 4 high-ranking Dallara Representatives are scheduled to be on hand including, Dallaras CEO, Andrea Pontremoli, Head of Research & Development, Andrea Toso, Director of US operations, Stefano de Ponti , and Dallara IndyCar Technical support, Sam Garrett.
Over the last couple months the Indy Racing League, sanctioning body of the IZOD IndyCar Series, has used very carefully worded phrases when referencing the next generation IndyCar. Tag lines such as 'Chassis decision' have gone by the wayside, replaced by the phrase 'future strategy'. So, what does it mean? My guess is that come 12:30pm at the Indianapolis Museum of Art on Wednesday morning the 7 person ICONIC Committee made up of Brian Barnhart, Tony Cotman, Gil de Ferran, Eddie Gossage, Rick Long, Tony Purnell and Neil Ressler will not announce a specific chassis or chassis' for the 2012 IZOD IndyCar Series season. What makes the most since to me, is that they'll release a set of rules and regulations including a set chassis price, leaving open the possibility of any manufacturer jumping on board. If a designer can build a car inside the set guideline and under the price point, they'll be welcomed into the Series.
Your guess is as good as mine as to the direction the ICONIC Committee will chose to take, but my prediction is that both Dallara and Lola will throw their hat into the ring, bringing back much needed chassis competition to the Series. But, that's just speculation, like most everyone else, you'll have to stay huddled around your computer screen Wednesday afternoon, awaiting the decision.
4 comments: is reporting that representatives from Lola will be there Wednesday as well. So it sounds like something that will lead to multiple chassis is the direction they are headed.
I think Dallara has gotten a bad rep because they've been the only choice for so long--not their fault. I like Dallara and think they've made huge strides. I just hope that there's more than one if possible--two would be awesome--and it's economically feasible for all.
And--sorry Swift--but I'd like to see them in Indy.
Wow, who knew that putting an apostrophe after "chassis" made it plural?
You learn something new every day Anon #2! Or is it everyday, MR. Webster?
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