With over 100 wins over the last 15 years, Shannon McIntosh has raced everything from Quarter Midgets to Micro Sprints and from USAC Ford Focus Midgets to Dirt Late Models. The 20-year-old Ohio native recently made the move to Indianpolis, the Racing Capital of the World, to help further her racing career.
16thAndGeorgetown: A few weeks ago you fled the freezing north for the slightly warmer temps of Florida, where you took some right turns behind the wheel of a formula car and dropped by Daytona. So, how'd it go?
Shannon McIntosh: It was awesome! It was
my first experience on a road course and in a formula car and I loved it. I did a 2 day school with Skip Barber on the full course at Sebring. Coming from a strictly oval background…the transition was more than I expected. There were so many new elements between midgets on a ¼ mile oval and formula cars on a 3.7 mile road course! (three-point-seven-miles is a huge deal for me!) Some new things were the shifting, footwork, right turns, different style car and aerodynamics. The first night I spent studying the track, and watching in car videos. I got up to speed on day two and was able to focus on the new craft and get faster and smoother. It was a great experience.
After Sebring I did go to Daytona to attend the Lyn St. James Women in the Winners Circle Event where we unveiled the traveling exhibit that I was featured in. You can see more about it at Lynstjames.com. I also was fortunate to go to the track and check out the Duels. A very busy week to say the least!
16thAndGeorgetown: According to your bio, you began racing at the age of 5. If you could go back to 1995 and give yourself one piece of advice, what would it be?
Shannon McIntosh: Start making contacts now and hold on to them. You never know who might be someone you want to know. Everyone knows someone who knows someone.
16thAndGeorgetown: You mentioned in a recent Q&A with Pressdog that Lyn St. James has been one of your greatest mentors. As a veteran tweeter yourself, any advice you'd give Ms. St. James who recently joined the twitosphere as well?
Shannon McIntosh: Lyn knows how to market herself as well as anyone and better than most. I believe she’ll get the hang of it rather quickly... but maybe, don’t post too little and don’t post too much! (I post a little too often sometimes ;)
16thAndGeorgetown: The 2010 season is quickly approaching, how does it look like it's gonna shape up for you?
Shannon McIntosh: I’ve learned over the past few years that things don’t always happen how you plan and want, but I am positive that I have a great future in racing and even if I am only doing a partial season this year, I’m sure to be extremely busy. Nothing is set in stone yet but I’m optimistic!
16thAndGeorgetown: On your recent trip to Florida, you were lucky enough to get behind the wheel of a Lamborghini Gallardo. Not gonna lie, I'm more than a little jealous, how was it?
Shannon McIntosh: You should be jealous! It was amazing. As I was driving, I was telling the owner…never did I imagine I’d be driving a lambo at the age of 20! I think I made him a little nervous cause I wanted to feel the power a bit. I also got to drive one of the new Nissan GT-R’s and had a lot of fun with that one. Love me some sports cars!
16thAndGeorgetown: If you could roll into victory lane at any racetrack, with any car, anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Shannon McIntosh: Growing up I always said it was my dream to race at Eldora Speedway. Now, I’d say winning the Indy 500 and the Daytona 500 are my life goals... but I still want to win at Eldora Speedway in a USAC Midget. (Sorry couldn’t narrow it down!)
16thAndGeorgetown: You recently made the big move from Ohio to Indianapolis to help further your racing career. What are some of your first impressions of living in the the Racing Capital of the World?
Shannon McIntosh: Well, I already felt like Indy was my second home because I’m here all the time. But I absolutely love it. Everything is racing no matter where you go. Driving by the Speedway like it “aint no thang” is pretty cool… I don’t want to take it for granted!
Shannon McIntosh: 25. Racing in one of the highest forms of motorsports and winning. Influencing others and contributing to the world in a positive way as much as I can.
Word association......
16thAndGeorgetown: IndyCar
Shannon McIntosh: St. Pete in a few weeks! (I’m going)
16thAndGeorgetown: USAC
Shannon McIntosh: Forever love
16thAndGeorgetown: Nascar
Shannon McIntosh: Racing
16thAndGeorgetown: Formula 1
Shannon McIntosh: Elite
16thAndGeorgetown: DeltaWing
Shannon McIntosh: Batman
16thAndGeorgetown: Lyn St. James
Shannon McIntosh: Influencial
16thAndGeorgetown: Milka
Shannon McIntosh: Venezuela
16thAndGeorgetown: Danica
Shannon McIntosh: “Um, ya know”
16thAndGeorgetown: Shannon McIntosh
Shannon McIntosh: Determined
16thAndGeorgetown: Eldora Speedway
Shannon McIntosh: Home
16thAndGeorgetown: Indianapolis Motor Speedway
Shannon McIntosh: Month of May!
Huge thanks to Shannon for taking the time out of her busy day to do the Q&A. Be sure to check out her website & blog and follow her on Facebook & Twitter.
All Photos are courtesy of Shannon McIntosh
Good job. I wish her luck
I've seen her race several times, and she is very talented. Not bad on the eyes either
there is a new babe in town,and she has talent.
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