IndyCar star Graham Rahal made helping possible when in the hours after the incident he decided to auction off his helmet for the cause. When word got out, Rahal was flooded with donations from the sports and entertainment industry worldwide, resulting in an eBay auction that has raised over $400,000. If you'd like to bid, more items are going live everyday HERE.
For those that can't afford to bid on helmets, gloves, shoes, and trips, Ashley Marks, an INDYCAR fan in Indianapolis has made it feasible to both donate and remember the champion.
"When word started about [Graham Rahal's] auction I knew that I wasn't financially able to help out in that way," said Marks. "So with the wristbands I knew it'd be something that everyone wants to have and an affordable way to get a lot of people to help out."
With proceeds going to the Dan Wheldon Family Trust Fund, the $5 bracelets read 'Dan Wheldon 1978-Forever' and can be purchased by E-mailing Ashley or contacting her on Twitter.
"I contacted the first wristband company only a few days after the accident. They donated 70. I sold those and ordered 800 the next week and just waited for them to get here," continued Marks. "Right now I've sold roughly 140 and have many pending orders but still have almost 600 to go! I just want to say thank you to those who have bought them and those who have helped spread word about them. If I can be a gateway for someone else to make a difference, I've done my job. So keep spreading word to everyone you know and thanks for all the support!"
Donations can also be made directly to the trust fund by visiting
I've got my band, do you have yours?
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