
Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Andretti Going Chrome

Andretti Autosport will be channeling their inner Paul Tracy. As you may have noticed at yesterdays unveiling, Danica's new livery features a chrome nose, and it wont be unique just to her. The entire Andretti stable including Tony Kanaan, Marco Andretti, Danica Patrick and probably another young American will feature the chrome horn during the 2010 season.


That is dumb looking, and just flat out dumb. If they were running PT, I could sort of see why they're doing it, but the AA drivers (Marco possibly excepted) are not exactly the "chrome horn" types.

Its NOT a chrome horn!!! The Andretti's graphic artist sold 'em on showcasing the new Andretti Autosport logo exclusively on Silver Chrome.

Over kill in my professional opinion... the logo is strong enough to stand on its own & to add another color to an already BOLD, tri-colored Pimp Daddy livery was just not needed.

BTW, the rear wing supports seem to be CHROME as well. Not good to encourage drivers to be distracted by a shiny rear chrome horn!

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