
Tuesday, February 17, 2009

IMS Motel On It's Way Down + Photos

Drove by again today, seem to be making progress...


Driving past the IMS Motel today I noticed that they have began the demolition process, starting with the west end. So I turned around and took a few photos.

The World famous Indianapolis Motor Speedway hotel that was featured several times in Paul Newman’s “Winning” has 108 rooms and was built in 1963. It has hosted many celebrities and drivers over the years, including the world famous Beatles who stayed in rooms 228,230,232 and 234 during there Indy stay on there first North American tour.


It's a crime, and a damned shame.


Sorry, No way Gable stayed there. He died in 1960.

Your right, Sorry about that.... guess you cant trust everything on the Internet http://www.grandprix.com/gt/gt00141.html

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